How Plaintiff Law Firms Can Maximize Client Results Even If Your Firm Is Brand New.

Helping Your Staff Improve Their Investigation Practices Can Take Your Results to the Next Level.

The better the quality of information, the better the case results. Maximize your client's recovery by improving your staff's investigation skills and techniques.

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Successful Case Results Don't Create Themselves!

Case Results are Determined by the Quality of the Information Your Team Develops. Effective Litigation Investigation Practices Can Make the Difference with Your Client's Case Results and Value.

Investigations matter. But law school doesn't teach you how to do them. Here's what you'll learn:

  • The 6-step witness interview process that ensures maximum results in this critical component of case preparation. 
  • How you can harness the power of public records to prove or disprove facts, locate witnesses, and impeach testimony.
  • How to conduct background investigations on party opponents and their key witnesses that can alter the outcome of a case.
  • How to locate the difficult to find witness before the other side does.
  • How to conduct an asset investigation to assist in deciding whether to accept or reject a policy limits offer.
  • How to conduct effective investigations in cases involving civil rights violations, employment misconduct, wrongful death, and vehicle accidents.
  • Pretext or legit? How to assess a company's internal investigation.

Eliminate unpleasant surprises at trial or settlement!

Effective Litigation Investigations Shows You How.

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What's Included In Effective Litigation Investigations...

Chapter 1

Interview Skills: Develop Information Through the Art of Listening.

In this chapter you'll learn the 6 steps to effective interviews, and how to use interviews to maximize results.

  • How to approach a witness in ways that increase the likelihood that she'll agree to be interviewed, including overcoming the most common objections to being interviewed.
  • How to better connect with a witness by building rapport.
  • How developing effective listening skills enhances the interview process.
Chapter 2

The Power of Public Records: How to Locate and Use Public Records.

How to locate, request, and understand the different types of public records and the powerful information they contain:

  • Navigating the myriad of government agencies and the types of records they compile.
  • The variety of ways public records can be used in litigation.
  • How to handle government agencies that refuse to provide public records.
Chapter 3

Other Sources of Information.

The secrets to quickly and efficiently find the information you need right at your fingertips.

  • Tips, tricks, and techniques to keep searches focused.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of fee for service databases.
  • The surprising benefits of old news article searches.
Chapter 4

How to Document Visual Information.

A picture, a video, and a sketch can really be worth a 1000 words...when done right.

  • How to photo and video a location, person, vantage point, or injury.
  • How you can use your smart phone camera to capture visual information quickly.
  • Why being able to depict a location is so critical for showing information.
Chapter 5

Witness Locates: How You Can Find Almost Anyone.

In this chapter you'll learn how to use interviews, public records research, and fee for service databases to locate just about anyone.

  • How to determine the best resources for locating a specific witness.
  • How to keep costs down while locating a witness.
  • How to track down the difficult to locate witnesses before opposing counsel can get to her.
Chapter 6

Background Investigations that Yield Results.

In this chapter you'll learn the nuts and bolts on how to find useful, and admissible,  background information on businesses and individuals.

  • Proofing negligent hiring and retention claims through background research.
  • How to develop information regarding a party's reputation for honesty and veracity.
  • How to use public records documents located during a background investigation to find people who can testify about admissible interactions with a party. 
Chapter 7

Conducting an Auto Accident Investigation

In this chapter you'll learn how to conduct an accident investigation. 

  • Creating an investigation plan to maximize results. 
  • Witness interviews and signed statements. 
  • Scene documentation that effectively captures what the drivers observed as well as where they were located.
Chapter 8

Conducting an Asset Investigation.

In this chapter you'll learn how to conduct an asset investigation.

  • When and why to conduct an asset investigation.
  • What types of information you can find without a subpoena, and what sources to use to locate that information.
  • How to assess and understand the information you develop. 
Chapter 9

Employment Discrimination Investigations. 

In this chapter you'll learn how to plan and carry out an employment discrimination investigation.

  • Interviewing current employees. How do you overcome the fear of losing a job if they cooperate.
  • Identifying witnesses and the best approaches to take to get cooperation. interview? 
  • Assessing the adequacy and sufficiency of an employer's investigation.
Chapter 10

Conducting a Police Misconduct Civil Rights Investigation. 

In this chapter you'll learn how to structure and carry out a civil rights investigation. 

  • The challenges to investigating law enforcement, and how to overcome them.
  • Devising an investigation plan that produces results.
  • Using public records to supplement your investigation.
Chapter 11

Conducting a Wrongful Death Investigation.

In this chapter you will learn how to devise and implement an effective investigation plan for litigating a wrongful death claim.

  • How to organize a wrongful death investigation to yield the most helpful information.
  • Overcoming the emotional challenges inherent in witness interviews regarding death.
  • How to merge information developed through different sources of information to create a complete, start to finish, narrative of the events
Chapter 12

Investigating the Investigation. 

In this chapter you'll learn how to analyze an employment or government agency based investigation to assess whether they met their threshold duty to investigate.

  • How to track down and evaluate the information used during their investigation. 
  • How to assess whether the process used during the investigation was designed to minimize their own liability or legitimately trying to determine the facts.
  • Conducting an independent investigation to determine the degree of difficulty of the investigation, and to evaluate the level of neutrality of the investigator's approach.

I'm Mike Corwin

I spent 30 plus years conducting civil plaintiff, criminal defense, and third-party fact-finding investigations. 

I'm familiar first hand with the many challenges and pitfalls that can occur while investigating difficult and complex cases, including the emotional impact on witnesses, and staff, that can happen during litigation.

I've developed this training because the quality of   an investigation directly effects the results and value of a case.

I've taught the basics of litigation investigations to hundreds of attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants, and to hundreds of law school students too.

I've written multiple books and articles on conducting case preparation investigations including The Training Manual on Private Investigation, The Essentials of Litigation Investigations, and The Everyday Detective.

And, I've been an approved by the New Mexico Supreme Court as a continuing education trainer in litigation investigations.



Get started maximizing the effectiveness of your teams case preparation investigations.
