California requires employers to implement, and maintain, an effective workplace violence prevention program with annual employee trainings on strategies to avoid physical harm from violence. But effectively protecting your employees from violence requires knowing about violence and how it occurs.

Most small and midsized employers, fortunately, have not experienced violence. And that's a challenge when it comes to preventing violence. How do you prevent violence, and to do so so effectively as California law requires, without the experience to know what to do? Take the guess work out. I spent 30 years investigating violence in the workplace, and in the community. And, through my work, I learned how violence happens and how it can be prevented. I developed these strategies to avoid physical harm from workplace violence, based upon what I learned during those 30 years.

✅ Improve employee morale by increasing their feelings of being safe and secure in the workplace and while out in the community.

✅ Employees that feels safer are more productive and engaged in their work improving your organization's performance and bottom line.

✅ Employees who feel their employers have their best interests have lower absenteeism and turnover rates.

Find the Training in Strategies to Avoid Physical Harm from Workplace Violence that Best Meets Your Employees' Safety Needs

Workplace violence prevention and staff safety is not a one size fits all process. Every organization, and every industry has unique challenges, requirements, and needs. We'll assess your employees' safety needs, and identify training approaches that will meet those safety needs. I specialize in an if-then strategic approach, in-person, hands-on training, combined with unlimited additional access for each employee that completes the training, to companion video training, to help your employees master their skills development.

Tier 1: Violence Avoidance: Situational Awareness, De-escalation, Communication Strategies, and Parking Lot Safety.

  • How to identify potential safety hazards before your encounter them.
  • Simple safety steps to reduce the risk of an attack while working in the community.
  • Parking lot safety.
  • How to develop exit strategies to get to a safer location.
  • How to read a person's body language to anticipate an attack.
  • How to remain calm when dealing with a workplace violence safety hazard.
  • How to redirect a potential attacker's focus away from harming you.
  • The safest body position for de-escalation.
  • How to alert co-workers when you feel threatened, or need additional support when dealing with a potential safety threat.
  • How to take away an attacker's initial advantage, to create the opportunity to safely exit or if necessary to defend yourself from an attack.

Tier 2: Violence Avoidance and Basic Defense to Avoid Physical Harm: Situational Awareness, De-escalation, Communication Strategies, Parking Lot Safety, Changing the Dynamics of an Attack, and Self-Defense Basics

  • Everything in Tier 1 plus:
  • Understanding what actual self-defense involves. What it is and is not.
  • Why remaining close to an attacker is critical to safety, and how to get comfortable doing so.
  • Simple blocking techniques to prevent an attacker's strikes from harming you.
  • Simple footwork that allows you to avoid being harmed by an attacker's strikes.
  • Basic counterstrike techniques using hands, elbows, and knees that anyone can use regardless of size or strength.
  • The best self-defense target.
  • How to escape when an attacker grabs you before he is able to harm you.
  • How to quickly get up from the ground before an attacker can trap you.

Tier 3: Violence Avoidance and Advanced Defense to Avoid Physical Harm: Situational Awareness, De-escalation, Communication Strategies, Parking Lot Safety, Changing the Dynamics of an Attack, and Self-Defense against Unarmed and Armed Attackers.

  • Everything in Tier 2 plus:
  • Basic joint locks, and compliance techniques to keep an attacker from continuing his attack.
  • How to defend against an attacker armed with a handgun or long gun. Including how to control the weapon so it cannot be used against you, and how to safely disarm the weapon.
  • How to defend against an attacker armed with a knife or other bladed weapon including how to control the weapon so it cannot be used against you, and how to safely disarm the weapon.
  • How to defend against an attacker armed with an impact weapon including how to control the weapon so it cannot be used against you, and to safely disarm the weapon.

Want to Ensure Your Employees' Safety, and Benefit Your Organization's Operation too.

Schedule your FREE, no obligation, 15-minute discovery call. We'll talk about your workplace violence prevention goals and challenges, where you are today in meeting those goals and challenges, and the best training approaches to help your employees avoid physical harm from workplace violence.

"The situational awareness training was huge and it was something I was able to put into practice immediately! The most helpful thing from my perspective was the ability to have a specific plan and specific skills to extricate myself and my employees from a threatening situation. It is very reassuring."

Cherie LaCour
Attorney and Law Firm Owner

"Actually doing the exercises really helped me—talking about what to do is helpful, but in particular it helps get over the initial shyness with actually having to do them. I think that women in particular feel very self-conscience about self-protection."

Laura Callanan

"After training with Mike there was a huge change. First there was just the confidence. I felt like I could go out and I had the skills and the know how to deal with any situation that came up and to get out of there safely."

Mandy Marley

Mike Corwin

Mike Corwin conducted civil plaintiff, criminal defense, and 3rd party fact-finding investigations for 30+ years leading including many workplace related cases. He.has helped hundreds of individuals, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies to reduce the risk of work related and community violence, including court staff and judges, the staff of a United States Senator, attorneys, healthcare professionals, educators, and more. Allowing them to continue confidently serving their communities. 

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It's time to be the kind of organization that looks after its people by helping them to feel more confident and secure about their personal safety. To learn more, schedule a FREE NO OBLIGATION discovery call. Just click on the button below.


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