6 Steps to Conducting More Effective Witness Interviews to Maximize Your Case Results

Maximizing your firm's effectiveness when conducting witness interviews will improve your case results, increase your clients' satisfaction, and boost your firm's bottom line.

Mike Corwin has conducted around 12,000 civil plaintiff, criminal defense, and 3rd party fact-finding witness interviews over 30+ years of litigation investigations.

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Improving your team's witness Interview Processes Directly Enhances Your Firm's Effectiveness, Your Case Outcomes, and Client Satisfaction. In This Free Workshop You'll Learn

  •  The 6 step process to getting the most from your witness interviews.
  •  The 2 mindset keys that will reshape the outcome of your witness interviews.
  •  The importance of rapport building to the success of an interview.
  •  The simple tricks to become a better to listener.
  •  The most common objections that witnesses raise about being interviewed and how to overcome them.
  •  How to document the interview in a way that makes it easy to find the important information months or years later.
  • And much more...

Improve Your Firm's Witness Interview Effectiveness. Watch the FREE workshop now.

Get started today maximizing your case results, client satisfaction, and revenue by making the most of the witness interviews your team conducts. Simply sign in, and click the button.