Take the Guesswork Out of Determining the Right Strategies to Help Your Employees Avoid Physical Harm From Workplace Violence.
California's new workplace violence prevention law REQUIRES employers to train employees ANNUALLY in strategies to avoid physical harm from workplace violence, BUT California providesĀ NO GUIDANCE to employers on what strategies are the most effective for your employees' specific safety needs.
Further, most employers LACK THE EXPERIENCE with violence necessary to know what does and does not work to keep your employees safe from physical harm due to workplace violence.
This FREE training takes the guesswork out of identifying the BEST strategies to train your employees to avoid physical harm. It takes less than an hour, and can be done conveniently based on your own schedule.
In this training you'll learn:
- The KEY to employee safety from violence.
- The benefits to your organization from training your employees in the RIGHT strategies to avoid physical harm.
- Why conventional wisdom about workplace violence is WRONG and why that risks your employees safety.
- How my "If-Then" approach to strategies to avoid physical harm helps your employees be SAFE from ALL 4 source types of workplace violence.
- How to ASSESS your employees' SPECIFIC safety hazards and determine the BEST strategies to avoid physical harm for those specific safety hazards.
- And an added bonus on IMPLEMENTING employee trainings on strategies to avoid physical harm the RIGHT way.
Watch This Free Training
Get started today complying with California's most important, yet least understood, workplace violence prevention requirement.
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