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60 Days Until Your Workplace Violence Prevention Plan is Due

 Are you ready?

Unless California pauses the implementation date for its new workplace violence prevention plan. There are 60 days left for California employers to establish and implement your required workplace violence prevention plan.

Here's a quick refresher on who the law covers, who is exempt from the law, and what the law requires of employers.

California’s new workplace violence prevention law: By July 1, 2024, “an employer shall establish, implement, and maintain an effective workplace violence prevention plan.”

Exemptions: The new law,“applies to all employers, employees, places of employment” except: 

  •  Employees “teleworking from a location of employee’s choice which is not under the control of the employer.”
  •  Places of employment where there are “less than 10 employees working at the place at any given time AND that are not accessible to the public.” (Must meet both elements in order to be exempt).

Employers Requirements: California employers must: 

  •  Identify, evaluate, and remediate violence safety hazards specific to your employees.
  •  Train employees in effective strategies to avoid physical harm from workplace violence, and in communication skills and processes.
  •  Identify effective procedures to get the active involvement of employees in identifying, evaluating, and correcting workplace violence hazards, in designing and implementing training, and in reporting and investigating workplace violence incidents.
  •  Develop an effective complaint, and investigation process including a policy to prohibit retaliation for reporting workplace violence incidents.
  •  Develop and train employees in procedures for workplace violence emergency response. 
  •  Develop a workplace violence incident log, and what to include in the log when an incident occurs.

 That's a lot to get done. And you don't have much time left to do it. If you're feeling like you could really use another set of eyes to look over what you've put together so far, send me an email [email protected]

California's new workplace violence prevention law is serious about protecting employees. Want help implementing your plan?

Click on the button below to schedule a free, no obligation, call.

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