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Demystifying Strategies to Avoid Physical Harm from Workplace Violence

Demystifying strategies to avoid physical harm, the most important, but least understood, requirement in California's workplace violence prevention law

California’s new workplace violence prevention law is intentionally vague on its most important; yet, least understood, requirement. That employers train employees annually in strategies to avoid physical harm from violence.

It’s the most important of all the requirements because policies alone won’t keep your employees safe. Employee safety requires that your employees be trained in a vareity of skillsets that are effective when dealing with the specific safety hazards they face.

Strategies to avoid physical harm are literally the determining factor in whether your employees come through a potential violence incident relatively unscathed.

Strategies to avoid physical harm are not boilerplate. There is no one strategy that works for every potentially violent situation. You can’t de-escalate when someone coldcocks you. And your employees  need to be able to assess the situation and choose the appropriate strategy. 

Strategies to avoid physical harm is the least understood requirement for two reasons:

As an employer you don’t want to guess what’s effective at helping your employees avoid physical harm from the specific safety hazards they face. But to know what works requires understanding the nature of violence. And (thankfully) most employers simply don’t have the level of experience with violence needed to get that right.

And, employers’ perceptions about the strategies to avoid physical harm that are available to use have been shaped by conventional wisdom, which focused not on the likeliest workplace violence incidents to occur, but on the most sensational ones. 

As a result, employers have focused on strategies to avoid physical harm that don’t work for the majority of workplace violence incidents.

It’s like sending your kid off to school dressed for the 25% chance of partly sunny weather conditions despite the forecast calling for a 75% chance of torrential rain. There’s a pretty good chance, despite your hoping against hope, that she’s going to get drenched.

Take the guesswork out of determining the most effective strategies to train your employees to avoid physical harm from the specific workplace violence safety hazards your they face with  a free training that demystifies the process.

It’s based upon what I learned about how violence occurs, and what does and doesn’t work to avoid physical harm from it, during my 30 years of conducting investigations into workplace and community violence, and the strategies to avoid physical harm that I implemented myself in order to remain safe while working in some very dangerous places. 

Like the time I was confronted by a street person, holding a sharpened metal rod.

And which I used during the 1000s of times that I walked up, unannounced, to a total stranger’s door, knowing nothing about their history, or who else, and what weapons, might be inside the house, in order to interview them about something really difficult that they had witnessed.

My “If-Then” approach to training in strategies to avoid physical harm from violence covers:

  •  The KEY to employee safety from violence.
  •  The multiple BENEFITS to your organization from training employees in strategies to avoid physical harm.
  •  Why conventional wisdom is WRONG about violence in the workplace, and how that RISKS your employees’ safety.
  •  Why an “If-Then” approach to strategies to avoid physical harm provides your employees with the FLEXIBILITY to avoid physical harm from all 4 source types of workplace violence.
  •  How to determine the RIGHT strategies to avoid physical harm the the SPECIFIC workplace violence safety hazards your employees face.
  •  A bonus section covers how to effectively iIMPLEMENT employee trainings to avoid physical harm from workplace violence.
  •  And much more…

This training allows you to take the guesswork out of this most important; yet, least understood, requirement of California’s new workplace violence law, at your own convenience. No need to schedule a time in advance, or follow anyone else’s schedule. Simply click on the link.

California's new workplace violence prevention law is serious about protecting employees. Want help implementing your plan?

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