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Better Witness Interviews Now! Pt 4. Handling Witness Objections Fast

how to conduct witness interviews plaintiff law firms maximize results witness interview

In this video, the fourth in my 5 part series that teaches you how to conduct successful witness interviews, that help you develop the information you need to maximize your client's results, while keeping litigation costs down. You'll learn about the most common objections witnesses raise to being interviewed, how to discuss those objections so the witness is ready to move forward with the interview, and what to do if you encounter a witness objection that's too strong to overcome.

When it comes to witness interviews, objections matters. Helping witnesses move through objections to see that it's okay to be interviewed is the key to achieving a successful witness interview. Witness objections are somewhat like sales, the more you are able to address them, the more likely you are to get the interview you seek.

You'll learn how to address different types of specific objections. How to discuss them with the witness in a thoughtful and effective manner. And what to do when you've reached an impasse with a witness over her objections to being interviewed.

I consistently used this interview rapport building process during my 30+ years of conducting civil plaintiff witness interviews in Los Angeles, CA and Albuquerque, NM.

I've taught hundreds of plaintiff attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants, and law school students how to conduct effective litigation investigations.

Now, you'll have the secrets of my success learned during the 12,000+ witness interviews that I conducted to help people going through a difficult situation get a favorable resolution in an easy to understand and follow video series.

Are you a plaintiff law firm struggling to improve your staff's witness interviews? Are you not getting the information you need from witness interviews to maximize your results? Download my FREE 6 Step Witness Interview Guide here

Here are links to the prior videos in the series.
Video #1: Simple Mindset Hacks to Instantly Improve Your Witness Interviews   Watch Here.
Video #2: How to Plan Witness Interviews for Better Results  Watch Here.
Video #3: How to Instantly Build Rapport With a Witness To Maximize Success  Watch Here.

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