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How to Disarm a Handgun.

gun gun disarms personal safety self-defense

There's nothing scarier than coming fact to face with a loaded gun. But you're not helpless when that happens. You can disarm the gun from an attacker. 

I've taught hundreds of people this technique. It does not require any significant strength, or size, or skill to learn. Just practice. And if you'd like to learn more about how you can keep yourself safer during these uncertain times, watch my FREE on-demand personal safety workshop, where you'll learn how to AVOID a threat to your safety, DE-ESCALATE a tense situation before it becomes dangerous, TAKE AWAY an attacker's initial advantage, and STOP an attack so you can exit safely. Click here to watch it.

In this video, from my online personal safety course, you'll learn how to disarm a pistol pointed to your face.

I breakdown the process for you step by step. 

  • What's the most important thing to do during this process, even if it feels counterintuitive.
  • Where to place your hands so that you have the greatest opportunity to succeed in taking the gun away.
  • How to position your body to make yourself the smallest possible target in case the gun fires during the disarm.
  • How to position yourself, and the specific footwork, you need in order to quickly grab and disarm the gun.
  • How to practice this technique by yourself.
  • And what to do once you've taken the gun away.

Please watch and share the video with anyone you think we'll benefit from learning how to disarm a handgun.


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