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How to Investigate a Political Candidate. Part One.

how to conduct a political investigation how to investigate a political candidate

Fed up with the constant stream of unfit candidates getting elected to office because no one educates the voters to just how truly bad these people are. Emboldened they're taking away rights, the right to women's access to health care, the right to equality, the right to a public education that teaches the facts instead of sugar coating things, and the right to vote.

In this video, the first in a 5 part video series on how to investigate unfit political candidates and keep them from winning office, you'll learn an overview of conducting a political investigation, and why some investigations are effective and others are not.

Beginning with 2010, Democrats have lost so many state legislative and local elections, that they have not been able to recover. And once elected, these unfit candidates have been emboldened to destroy many of the rights that were won through hard fought struggles.

If you are actively involved in local elections YOU can make a difference. This video series can help you turn things around.

  • In video # 2, you'll learn about the most effective public records for use to investigate political candidates.
  • In video # 3, you'll learn how to locate and interview people about their specific experiences with unfit political candidates, and how to work with them to help them feel comfortable about coming forward.
  • In video #4, you'll learn how to assess the information you've developed to determine which information to go forward with, and which information requires more work, and which information you should just let go of.
  • In video #5, you'll learn how to package the information you've developed to provide to the media, bloggers, and directly to the public to convince them not to vote for an unfit candidate.

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