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How to Investigate a Political Candidate. Part 2.

how to conduct a political investigation how to investigate a political candidate political investigations

Fed up with unfit political candidates winning elections and gutting our rights to health care, equality, free speech, public education, and voting while the Democrats pay attention to other things.

Me too! That's why I created this 5 part video series on how to investigate political candidates and to use that information to educate voters to NOT vote for them. I designed this series to help Democratically aligned candidates and interest groups reclaim local and state elections. It works. I know. I spent 17 years conducting political investigations and helped to turn New Mexico from purple to blue.

In this video, the second in the series, we'll go over the most effective public records to use when investigating political candidates. You'll learn how to search them, the types of information you can find, and how to get copies of these documents.

In the first video in the series, we covered the basics of political investigations, and most importantly why some investigations lead to results that are effective at educating voters, and others do not. You can watch that video here:

Upcoming videos will teach you how to identify people with information about the political candidate you are investigating, how to interview that person, and how to work with that person so that they feel comfortable moving forward to educate the voters with their information.

You will also learn how to assess the information you develop to determine if it's ready to bring to voters, and what to do if you still need "more" before you can bring it forward. And when to close down a path that just isn't getting there.

And finally, you'll learn how to package the information you develop to provide to the media, and bloggers, and to take directly to the voters to convince them NOT to vote for the unfit candidate.

You can check out the full five video series here:


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