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Investigate a Political Candidate. Wrap up.

Fed up with unfit candidates getting elected to office because they get a free pass. Sometimes the Democratic Party is AWOL from trying to educate the voters in local and state elections.

To help Democratically aligned in interest groups and candidates fill that void by conducting investigations that are designed to expose the unfit candidates and get the voters to vote against those unfit candidates I created a 5 part video series on how to investigate political candidates.

Here's what we covered:

  • What does conducting a political investigation involve, and what separates an effective political investigation from an ineffective one.
  • The best public records to use for conducting political investigations, how you search for them, access and review them, as well as get copies of them.
  • How to identify people with information about the unfit candidate, how to interview them, and how to work with them to help them feel comfortable with coming forward.
  • How to assess the information you develop to determine which information can be brought forward, and which information requires more steps to nail it down.
  • How to package the information to provide to the media and bloggers, or to take directly to the voters to educate them on how unfit the candidate is for office.

To learn more about conducting political investigations to expose unfit candidates watch the 5 part video series by clicking here.


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