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Better Witness Interviews Now! Maximize Your Results. Watch All 5 Videos

how to conduct witness interviews plaintiff law firms maximize results witness interview
Witness testimony is critical to plaintiff case preparation. But law schools don't teach witness interviews. Here's how to do them right so that you can develop the info you need to maximize your case results.

For plaintiff law firms, a staff that can conduct effective informal witness interviews can make a massive difference in your case results.

  • Prove liability faster and with more certainty.
  • Keep's defense counsel from knowing your case until you're ready to disclose it.
  • Keeps depositions to a minimum.
  • Keeps costs down to your firm, and to your client.

But, conducting witness interviews is not taught in law school, or in paralegal and legal assistant programs. 

Learning through trial and error can results in unpleasant surprises for your firm, it's bottom line, and your client's satisfaction.

So where can you turn for your staff to learn how to conduct effective witness interviews?

Right here. Watch my 5 part video series on conducting better witness interviews to maximize your case results.

  • Simple mindset hacks that can instantly improve witness interview outcomes.
  • How to plan your witness interviews for successful results. 
  • How to instantly build rapport with witnesses. The #1 most important element of an effective witness interview.
  • How to handle a witness' objections to being interviewed. What to say to a witness that voices objections, and how to keep the door open when a witness' objections prevent an interview at the current time.
  • How to conduct the Q & A of the interview to ensure you learn everything the witness knows, how to take really good interview notes, the most useful witness interview summary format, and how to discuss obtaining a signed statement or declaration with the witness.

I train plaintiff law firm staff in how to conduct effective litigation investigations.

For 30+ years, I conducted civil plaintiff and criminal defense litigation investigations for some of our nation's top attorneys in Los Angeles, CA and Albuquerque, NM. Including conducting over 12,000 witness interviews.

And I've taught hundreds of attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, and law school students the art and science of effective litigation investigations that maximize results.

If your firm is struggling to conduct effective witness interviews, I've developed a 6-step process to help you take them to whole new level. Download my FREE guide, 6 Steps to More Effective Witness Interviews that Maximize Your Case Results. This guide is chock full of the ins and outs to better witness interviews. 

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