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Feeling Stressed About Your Safety? Watch This!

de-escalation feel confident about your safety personal safety self-defense situational
Feeling stressed about your safety? You can feel more confident about your safety while living the life you want.

Are you feeling stressed about your safety?

I can't blame you at all. America is still experiencing high levels of violence. People are lashing out instead of hashing things out. There are shootings covered by the media everyday. 

And how many times now have we heard of someone ACCIDENTALLY going up to the wrong house or car, and being injured or killed because no one bothered to take things down a notch.

Add to that you have the politicians stoking the level of grievance, and even hatred of others just to score political points and to raise money off of people's fear.

It's easy to believe that your safety is the government's concern. Except that it's people in government who are stoking this crisis of violence. And remember, law enforcement is reactive. They are called to a scene AFTER violence has occurred. Not before.

So here's the hard truth about violence. YOUR SAFETY IS UP TO YOU. No one else will protect you.

And that's why I've created this FREE on-demand video workshop that you can watch at your own convenience. No having to wait, or conform to someone else's schedule. Just sign up and watch when you are able to watch.

In the workshop, I teach you the skills I used to keep safe for the 30+ years that I worked in some of our nation's most dangerous neighborhoods. Skills that I've taught to hundreds of individuals, and to businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies.

You'll learn:

  • How to AVOID, through implementing situational awareness, a physical attack, and reduce your risk of being caught up unawares in a place where violence suddenly happens. Including how to keep yourself safe while in a parking lot or parking garage, the second highest risk place for your safety.
  • How to DE-ESCALATE a tense situation to keep it from turning into a violent attack. Not only will you learn how to reduce the tension when dealing with an irate person, but you'll also learn how to determine if you have the chance to de-escalate, or if you should prepare to be attacked.
  • How to TAKE AWAY AN ATTACKER'S INITIAL ADVANTAGE so that you have the chance to survive. Most attacks are done in 7 seconds or less. These techniques we'll allow you to equalize out the situation, BEFORE the attacker succeeds.
  • And how to QUICKLY AND SAFELY STOP AN ATTACK with basic and effective self-defense so that you can exit the situation with as little risk to your safety as possible.
  • And much much more.

So it's time to take control of your own safety. You have the ability, with a little help from me, of being able to feel more confident about your safety in today's unsafe world. You can do this. Just sign up and watch this FREE on-demand workshop.

California's new workplace violence prevention law is serious about protecting employees. Want help implementing your plan?

Click on the button below to schedule a free, no obligation, call.

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