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Prevent Workplace Violence Pt. 5. What to Do Once an Attack Starts

prevent workplace violence workplace safety workplace violence

In this, the final part in our 5 part series on preventing workplace violence, we look at what to do when an attack has commenced. We'll focus on changing the dynamics of an attack, to take away an attacker's initial advantage, and we'll look at a self-defense mindset. What works vs. what does not under the stress of an attack.

To start protecting your staff and your business today, download my FREE PDF workplace violence prevention checklist. It's filled with steps you can start taking right now to make your workplace safer. Download it here.

I help small and mid-sized businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies develop an effective approach to protect their staff, organization, and bottom line from workplace violence and it's significant effects.

I spent 30+ years conducting litigation investigations in some of our nation's most dangerous neighborhoods. And investigated numerous work place violence episodes, sadly including several homicides. My approach to workplace violence prevention is based upon the skills I developed to keep safe while working, and what I learned through conducting workplace violence investigations.

Changing the dynamics is the ability to force an attacker out of his game plan. Attackers always have an advantage at the onset of an attack. Even if it's a sudden attack they still have a plan. Changing the dynamics of an attack forces them to alter their plan, even if just briefly. But in doing so, you create the opportunity to either exit, or to protect yourself.

Self-defense allows you to quickly and effectively create the ability to get out of an attack safely. It should involve simple techniques that anyone regardless of size or strength can apply. And it requires developing a different mindset.

Watch this video to learn more about what works to keep your staff and your business safe. And to get started protecting your staff and organization right now, download my free PDF checklist here.

California's new workplace violence prevention law is serious about protecting employees. Want help implementing your plan?

Click on the button below to schedule a free, no obligation, call.

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