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Self-Defense Simplified: Techniques You Can Learn at Home So You Can Keep Yourself Safe

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Welcome! In this video I’m going to show you some simple and effective self-defense techniques that you can learn easily while practicing by yourself at home. 

In fact, all you need is a doorway. A bathroom, closet, hallway, or bedroom door will work just fine. The smaller the width of the door the better, but any size door will work.

Hi I’m Mike Corwin and I teach individuals, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies how to reduce their risk of being victimized by violence.

If you’re ready to start taking concrete steps to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, download my free situational awareness guide. It’s chockfull of tips on how to incorporate situational awareness, the most important element of personal safety, in your daily life. Just click on the link in the description and comments below.

And if you’re an organization interested in learning more how to keep your staff, members, or executive leadership safe during today’s rising levels of hate, you can schedule a free no obligation consultation, by clicking on the second link in the description and comments below.

By the end of this video you’ll know the best way to stand in order to defend yourself. You’ll also learn a simple blocking technique, called the palm pass, that allows you to safely redirect a strike towards your face before it hits you.

The vast majority of attacks involve a punch to your head. So it’s imperative that you learn to protect your head from the start. And this technique will help you do that.

You’ll also learn some simple foot work that will increase your level of safety by helping you avoid being hit, while better positioning you to counterstrike. 

And you’ll even learn how to perform a simple, yet effective counterstrike. 

Keep in mind, the goal here is to help you automate your responses through patterning your movements. You don’t need to strike hard at all. It’s literally about going through the motions until you can do them in your sleep.

So let’s get started.

1) Safe Stance

2) Palm pass. 

3) Add in foot work.

4) Practice using both hands.

5) Add in back hand hammer fist

If you’re ready to start taking concrete steps to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, download my free situational awareness guide. It’s chockfull of tips on how to incorporate situational awareness, the most important element of personal safety, in your daily life. Just click on the link in the description and comments below.

And if you’re an organization that would like to learn more how to keep your staff, members, or executive leadership safe during today’s rising levels of hate, you can schedule a free no obligation, by clicking on the second link in the description and comments below.

California's new workplace violence prevention law is serious about protecting employees. Want help implementing your plan?

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