Situational Awareness Guide.

Jacksonville, FL (Store); Trabuco Canyon, CA (Restaurant/Bar); Choctaw, OK (High School Football Game), Chicago, IL (MLB Baseball Game), and Boston, MA (Street Festival).
Mass shooting sites this weekend. Some urban. Some small town. Some different causes. Some the same.
Who hasn't been inside a store? Gone to a restaurant or bar? Been to a high school football game? Or a Major League Baseball game?
I'm pretty sure that most of us have been to at least one of those. I've been to all 4.
I'm passionate about safety. Your safety.
In the 30+ years I worked as an investigator, I saw enough of man's inhumanity to his fellow man enough to last 50 lifetimes. I don't want to see you have to stop doing the things you love. It's what makes life worth living.
But the threat is real. I know a lot of you don't even think about your safety. After all violence is what happens to other people. Until it isn't.
And's the government's job to keep you safe. Ummm...what government? Local? Nope. Law enforcement is reactive. They respond after the fact. Feds? Nope. There's fewer of them than local law enforcement, and they have to cover 50 states.
Whether you wish for it to be or not. Your safety is up to you. And that of your family too.
So where do you begin to keep yourself safe?
With situational awareness. It's the single most important element of personal safety. Quite simply no other aspect of safety helps you AVOID the risk completely, or gives you the ability to respond quickly, and exit before it's too late.
I've put out lots of pieces on situational awareness. Both in the written word, and on YouTube videos. And I've prepared this FREE PDF guide that you download here.
These are practices that I developed during my 30 years of working in some of our nation's most dangerous neighborhoods, and going into 1000s of total strangers' homes with no knowledge of who or what is inside there.
You'll learn:
- How to read and assess your surroundings to use that information to keep safe.
- How to develop an exit strategy. And how to make that process automatic wherever you are.
- How to position yourself in public places to create the opportunity to move quickly if something happens.
- How to be safer in parking garages and parking lots. One of the most dangerous places you will go to.
- How to tell if you are being followed.
- And much, much more.
So download these tips now. They are my gift to you. Because I care about your safety.