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Gone in a Flash: Why the Tactical Flashlight is Such a Great Personal Safety Device.

personal safety

I’m often asked what’s the best personal safety device to carry. Is it pepper spray? A loud siren? A knife? A gun? And my answer is none of those. To me, the best personal safety device that you can carry is a tactical flashlight.

I spent 30+ years working in some of our nation’s most dangerous areas, and when it came to personal safety, only carried a tactical flashlight. I’ve also taught personal safety to individuals, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies for over 10 years.

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And here’s why…

  • Any personal safety device that you carry, can be taken from you, and used against you. I’ve taught people how to disarm a knife, a firearm, or an impact weapon for over 10 years. It’s very doable. But most attackers don’t immediately understand that a flashlight can be used as a weapon.
  • Pepper spray can’t be used in a confined space without spraying yourself too. A loud siren type device used inside can damage your own ears.
  • Pepper spray, a gun, or a knife are prohibited in many businesses. A flashlight is fine to bring into many more establishments. It also fits conveniently into your pocket, accessible if need be, but out of the way.
  • Pepper spray is most effective when sprayed directly in the eyes of an attacker. Under stress that can be harder to do, and an attacker wearing glasses or other covering can be shielded from the spray.
  • A knife or firearm can be lethal, which is a problem when the situation doesn’t require a lethal response.
  • A firearm can easily strike people in the area causing severe harm or death to an innocent person, and lead to you getting charged.

Tactical Flashlight

A tactical flashlight is smaller in length and diameter than many traditional flashlights. It’s typically just a bit longer than the width of a person’s hand. It’s designed to be held inside of a closed fist with the light closest to the pinky.

The on/off switch is located into the end of the flashlight (opposite end from the bulb) rather than on top of or along the side. Using your thumb you push the button to turn it on and off. This allows for one handed use.

They typically have cutouts along the edge of the bezel that surrounds the bulb. The bezel projects past your hand when holding it with a closed fist. This design makes the tactical flashlight useful for striking or scraping.

Tactical flashlights typically have a very bright bulb, that is sometimes adjustable. Some also include a strobe light effect, instead of a constant beam, when you click the thumb button twice in a row. The bright light and the strobe are designed to cause the human eye to have to readjust, which can take several seconds forcing a potential attacker to have to alter his actions sufficiently for you to leave or to strike.

You can purchase a tactical flashlight online from Amazon or other retailers, and also at sporting goods store, and some home improvement retailers or hardware stores.

Benefits of a Tactical Flashlight (watch the video above to learn how to use a tactical flashlight and learn more of its benefits as a personal safety device).

  • They are easily carried in your hand where you can use them without delay, or thanks to a side clip, can be carried in a front pocket, or clipped to a purse or pocketbook. This makes them ideal to carry when walking to your car at night on the street, in a parking lot, or dimly lit parking garage.
  • They are ideal for carrying when walking your dog in the dark. They do double duty…helping you see what needs to be picked up, while offering your protection.
  • They can be used to strike, or tear skin. They can increase the effectiveness of a hammer fist type strike to nose, face, or head.
  • Quickly flashing someone in the eyes may create the opportunity for you to leave without physically engaging with a potential attacker.
  • Because of how they are carried and held, they are very difficult to take from you, and even if taken from you, most attacker’s won’t even realize they have a usable weapon.

These are some of the reasons why I believe a tactical flashlight is one of the very best personal safety devices to carry with you. You can keep them in your car, in your pocket or pocketbook, or in your home. Just remember to check the batteries since they can wear out.

Do you carry a tactical flashlight? If so post a comment below about the reasons why you carry one.

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