Workplace Violence Prevention Recap.

91% of small and mid-sized businesses believe that workplace violence can happen to any business in any industry. In fact, one out of 3 small and mid-sized businesses have had a significant incident or workplace violence.
Based upon the investigations involving workplace violence, that I conducted during my 30+ years of working as a civil plaintiff and criminal defense investigator, each of the videos in my 5 part workplace violence prevention video series directly addresses how to prevent a different potential workplace violence risk. To watch these helpful videos click here.
- How organizations that employ a significant percentage of women, must incorporate the dangers that domestic violence can follow your staff into the workplace. How medical and legal professionals are at a risk of violence from patients, clients, and their families, and others. How educators and other government employees are at their highest level of workplace violence risks thanks to a charged political environment.
- How an effective internal complaint and investigation approach can increase staff confidence that their concerns of bullying and other forms of harassment are being taken seriously.
- How some simple interior layout modifications, and implementing some simple communication techniques can help prevent workplace violence from invitees, clients, patients, customers, vendors, staff family members, and the general public.
- How organizations whose staff works out in the community, whether at a client's home, a client's business, or in other public locations, can AVOID a potential threat to their safety, and DE-ESCALATE tense situations before they turn violent.
- And finally, what your staff must know what to do should an attack, Changing the Dynamics of an Attack allows your staff to take away an attacker's initial advantage, while basic self-defense allows your staff to create the opportunity to exit safely.
Ready to start keeping your staff and your business safe from workplace violence then download my FREE PDF Workplace Violence Prevention checklist by clicking here.