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Coming Soon! Workshop: Creating Your Workplace Violence Prevention Plan

how to comply with california's new workplace violence prevention law how to create a workplace violence prevention plan workplace violence prevention plan workshop creating workplace violence prevention plan

Coming Soon! Announcing a 3-Hour Outline Your California Compliant Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Workshop.

California's new workplace violence prevention law goes into effect by July 1, 2024. With a few exceptions, the law requires all employers to "establish, implement, and maintain an effective workplace violence prevention plan."

 In this hands on workshop, you will learn how to outline a workplace violence prevention plan that's specific to your employees' safety risks. You'll be able to assess your employees' workplace violence safety hazards. You'll learn about different strategies for your employees to avoid physical harm from workplace violence, and which approaches are the best for your employees. You will develop an incident response process that's customized to your operation, workplace, management, and employees. You'll also learn about the types of trainings you must provide to your employees, and your paperwork requirements.

This workshop is FOR employers who are committed to employee safety and want to ensure compliance with California's new law. Participants will outline the elements of their workplace violence prevention program that are unique to your employee safety needs. This workshop is NOT for any employer looking for a cut and paste, one-size-fits-all, boiler plate plan.

Here's what we'll be covering in this 3-hour, hands on workshop:

1) How to Identify the Specific Workplace Violence Hazards Your Employees Face. 

 a) Determining which of the 4 sources of workplace violence effect your employees 

 b) Creating an employee safety risk survey and assessment process

 c) Assessing the safety risks with your interior and exterior physical spaces

 d) Correcting the safety hazards and potential threats you identify

2)   Training Employees in Strategies to Avoid Physical Harm from Workplace Violence

 a) Why situational awareness is THE most important strategy for safety

 b) How de-escalation skills are your employees last chance to avoid violence

 c) Communication methods for your employees to notify others of a safety risk

 d) Why basic self-defense is the critical to safety once violence happens

3)   Critical Elements of Incident Response

 a) Creating an effective complaint process

 b) An investigation process that instills confidence

 c) A retaliation policy that protects those participating  in the complaint process 

 d) Identifying and addressing other crisis response needs

4)  Rounding Out Your Plan: Policies, Incident logs, and Training Requirements

 a) Defining workplace violence for creating a violence prohibition policy

 b) What information to include in a violence incident log

 c) Determining what else to include in your prevention plan

 d) Employee training- What California requires to go from planning to implementation

Michael Corwin spent 30 years conducting civil and criminal litigation investigations where I saw, first hand, the tragic consequences from violence. Through this work, I learned how violence happens and how it can be prevented. In order to be effective at my work, I had to learn to keep myself safe, while working in some very dangerous places and environment. I also spent many years conducting internal investigations for businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies, and taught legal professionals, and law school students, how to conduct investigations. For more than 10 years, I’ve used the knowledge I gained through my work to help organizations prevent workplace violence”.

If you'd like more information, you can email me at [email protected]

California's new workplace violence prevention law is serious about protecting employees. Want help implementing your plan?

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