You Can't Take a Bullet Back

People often think of a firearm when they think of protecting themselves and their their loved ones. And as a result, there are more firearms in America than there are people.
I've thought about getting them myself. On different occasions.
But in the end did not.
I don't believe firearms are the BEST way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Here's why:
YOU CAN'T TAKE A BULLET BACK. And whether you fire out of fear, anger, surprise, or accidentally, the bullet goes where the firearm points towards. End of story.
In the last week our nation has seen some very high profile shootings that never should have happened.
- A 20-year-old woman shot and killed for pulling into the wrong driveway.
- A teenager shot in the head for knocking on the wrong door looking for his younger siblings.
- A cheerleader shot and killed for accidentally trying to get into the wrong car.
- A 6-year-old girl, and her parents, for going on the wrong property to retrieve a football.
And in fact, the list is much longer. These are just the ones that made the national news.
Rather than yell, this is the wrong house, driveway, car, or yard they each pulled the trigger.
Perhaps the shooters thought they were defending themselves. But they weren't.
Their lives are destroyed. They're facing criminal charges. And they have to live each and everyday for the rest of their lives knowing they shot an innocent person who was not a threat to their safety.
Because, quite simply, you can't take a bullet back.
Guns are easy. You buy it. And you pull the trigger. All it takes is 3-4 pounds of pressure.
But living with yourself after you shot an innocent person. Not easy...unless you lack a soul.
There's many ways to protect yourself, and your family that don't entail a simple mistake in the blink of an eye that can irreparably change multiple lives for forever.
Yes. Those other approaches take some work. But aren't you and your family worth it?
Want to start learning how to keep yourself and your family safe? Download this FREE guide to situational awareness. You can implement the steps immediately, and it is the single most important element of personal safety.