All Categories 3 strategies to avoid physical harm from workplace violence 3 ways to avoid physical harm from workplace violence 3 ways to identify workplace violence hazards. 4 effective update strategies 2025 4 keys to effective workplace violence prevention plan 5 things employers can learn from santa monica college shooting 5 tips for better witness interviews anger and workplace violence antisemitism are you covered by california's new workplace violence prevention law as economic stress increases so does workplace violence assessing workplace violence safety hazards that are specific to your employees. background investigation background research business liability california building contractors california car dealership california compliant workplace violence prevention plan california health and wellness california health wellness and fitness workplace violence prevention california law firms california nonprofits california workplace violence prevention california workplace 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One Place

Mike Corwin
Personal Safety and Investigation Trainer and Coach
Mike Corwin spent 30+ years conducting civil plaintiff and criminal defense investigations in Los Angeles, CA and Albuquerque, NM. He's taught hundreds of attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants and law school students how to conduct litigation investigations. And for over 10 years he's taught personal safety & self-defense to hundreds of individuals, businesses, nonprofit organizations and government agencies.
Free Conduct More Effective Witness Interviews Workshop So You Can Maximize Your Case Results.
Watch My Free Staff Personal Safety Workshop. Learn how to keep safe while at work and out in the community so that they can better engage with and love their work more.
Free Personal Safety Workshop So You Can Feel More Confident About Your Safety While Living the Life You Want.
Harness the Power of Information. Learn How to Use Investigation Techniques to Protect Yourself, Your Loved Ones, Your Money, and Your Home.
Maximize Your Law Firm's Case Results Through Conducting More Effective Litigation Investigations.